Your Introductory Charm: A Letter from Mom

I hope this letter finds you well, my dear! Today, I want to chat with you about something that’s super important as you navigate through life: mastering the art of the 1-minute introduction. Trust me, it’s a skill that’s going to serve you well in so many situations, whether you’re meeting new friends, going for job interviews, or just making a stellar first impression. So, let’s dive into the world of intros and see how you can shine like the star you are!

Hey Kiddo, Let’s Talk About Intros

You know those moments when someone asks you to tell them about yourself, and suddenly your mind goes blank? Yeah, we’ve all been there. But fear not! That’s where the 1-minute self-introduction swoops in to save the day. It’s like your quick elevator pitch, giving folks a glimpse into who you are without losing their interest.

Why Mom Thinks It’s Super Important

Oh, honey, let me tell you why mastering this skill is like having a superpower. A killer 1-minute intro shows people that you’re confident, articulate, and totally ready to tackle whatever life throws your way. Plus, it’s a fantastic way to stand out from the crowd and make those connections that can lead to awesome opportunities.

All the Cool Stuff You Get From It

So, what’s in it for you, my dear? Oh, just the chance to make new friends, land exciting opportunities, and show the world what an amazing person you are! Plus, it’s a skill you can use in pretty much any situation, from school presentations to chatting with your crush.

Mom’s Tips for Being Intro-tastic

Okay, let’s get down to business. Crafting a stellar 1-minute intro isn’t rocket science, but it does take a bit of practice. Start by jotting down some key things about yourself that you want people to know. Then, mix in a bit of your awesome personality and practice delivering it until you’ve got it down pat.

Building Blocks of Your Intro

Your intro should be like a mini-story: a friendly hello, a quick snapshot of who you are and what you’re all about, a sprinkle of your achievements, and a strong finish that leaves folks wanting to know more about you.

Let’s See Some Examples!

Need some inspiration, my dear? Check out these real-life intro gems! Feel free to borrow bits and pieces and make them your own. After all, the best intros are as unique as you are.

Practice Makes Progress

Like any skill worth mastering, practice makes progress. So, grab a friend, your trusty teddy bear, or even me, and start rehearsing. The more you practice, the more confident you’ll feel when it’s time to shine.

Don’t Let Nerves Hold You Back

Feeling a bit nervous? That’s totally normal, sweetheart! Take a deep breath, remember how amazing you are, and visualize yourself crushing it. You’ve got this!

Where You Can Use Your Intro

Sure, job interviews are a big one, but your 1-minute intro is handy in so many other situations too. Use it at school events, sports games, or even when you’re meeting new neighbors. You’ll be amazed at the connections you can make! 1분 자기소개

Mom’s Closing Words of Wisdom

In closing, my dear, mastering the art of the 1-minute intro is like having a secret weapon in your back pocket. So, polish up your pitch, strut your stuff, and get ready to make a fantastic first impression wherever you go. Remember, I’m always here cheering you on!

With all my love,

Mom 💖


  1. What should I do if I forget what to say during my intro?
    • Take a deep breath, pause for a moment, and then continue on. No biggie, sweetheart!
  2. Can I add a joke or something fun to my intro?
    • Of course! Adding a bit of humor can make your intro even more memorable.
  3. How long should my intro be?
    • Aim for around 60 seconds, but don’t stress too much about the exact time.
  4. What if someone interrupts me during my intro?
    • Stay calm, address their question or comment, and then smoothly pick up where you left off.
  5. Should I practice my intro in front of a mirror?
    • Absolutely! Practicing in front of a mirror can help boost your confidence and fine-tune your delivery.
  6. Can I use my intro in casual situations too?
    • Absolutely! Your 1-minute intro is perfect for all sorts of situations, from parties to school events.